Monday, March 15, 2010

Bits of my Life

I've been so busy lately, and I feel like I have nothing to write about. That doesn't make sense. Everything I've been doing is really interesting!

I've been busting my ass to pass the exams for my fight class. One of my partners is...someone who has been very difficult for me to work with, but I've been working extra hard to compensate. Yeah, this is stressful, but it's almost over.

Back to improv this past week, which is super fun. Ohhh, I have a story to tell here. I started taking improv classes at one of the other theatres in town. I did this because they have some advanced stuff that I really want to get into, but they have a policy that everyone involved at their theatre has to start at the very beginning with their 101 class. So, I'm in this class with people who have never done improv before. Let me tell you, this is doing AMAZING things for my ego. I look brilliant next to these people! Saturday we were doing an exercise where we had to establish the "who," "where," and "what" in three sentences. When I delivered my last line the entire class, including the two instructors, all said "Niiiccceeee." It was cool. Not that I'm especially genius or anything, I'm just being compared to people who are inexperienced.

I started the Comedy Writing program too. I was given homework, which was awesome. I had to write a story inspired by a photo I was given in class. It really got me writing again.

Accio Books is still going on! We're half way through now, and the Slytherin team is in second place! This is really more awesome than it sounds, because Slytherin usually holds steady in a distant last place. I've been organizing livestream events to promote the whole thing. I've been talking to awesome people in awesome bands!

Vicky is playing Mario Kart, one of the levels where you pick up the coins, and she's singing "Money, Money, Money," be ABBA. It's hilarious.

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