Thursday, July 29, 2010

This is...weird.

The weirdest thing is happening. I don't understand it at all.

Could it be that my husband is becoming a successful blogger?

I know, millions of people across the world spend hours in front of the computer screen, pouring their hearts out or documenting the results of an odd new hobby. But rarely are the blog writings of unknown people ever read by a large volume of strangers.

Here's the thing: Tom's been writing song lyrics for years and years. He doesn't write music, but in the past he's teamed up with musicians to create and record songs together. It's just been a hobby for him.

A few months ago he set up a blog as a place to keep a collection of the pieces of his work he likes best. Whenever he writes something he especially likes he posts it on his blog, and then he posts the link as his facebook status. As is the case with the blogs of nearly every unknown person in the world, he rarely got views. Months went by and his counter remained low. He had around 30 total hits. Until just a couple of weeks ago.

Suddenly, BAM! His hits are going up and up and up, and now he's got 137, just over a short period of time. His facebook friends jumped from, like, 60 or so to 517! Which, I'll point out, is a lot more facebook friends than I have, and I spend a lot of time using facebook.

What happened? Well, I do have an explanation. His blog was read buy some guy named Bernie Taupin who, for years, was Elton John's lyricist (Apparently he's written for current people as well, like Gaga.) It snowballed from there.

Every time he logs into facebook he gets PM's from some crazy woman who thinks he's a celebrity. It's very...odd.

Anyway, check out the blog that's making Tom a facebook sensation. (And leave him a comment. He likes to have his ego stroked. ;-)


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