Monday, August 30, 2010

Cheryl made a...Video?


Well, I really should blog more often. Sorry 'bout that.I have something fun to talk about right now, though. See? I'm not a lazy blogger, I just choose to NOT waste your time by blogging when I have nothing constructive to say. Isn't that considerate of me?

This past weekend I made my debut as a director! I wrote and directed a video! I won't talk too much about the content because the video will be online soon and you should watch it for yourself. But I will say that it was FUN to make. And my awesome Second City friend Andreas came from Toronto to kick ass, as well as Rayne, who appeared in The Closer with me a few months back. Even Tom appeared in the video, and he was tortured most of all. His costume involved a LOT of make up. I think what I did to him might qualify as spousal abuse, but he was a great sport.

Thanks to everyone involved! I'll post a link here as soon as I have one.

Love to all!

Friday, August 13, 2010

This Was Amazing

Check out some pics from this thing we went to.

Nuff Said.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cheryl's Peddling Another Good Cause

People! There's a new contest going on, and it's really cool!

Check it out!

They're raising money to send two people to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Two deserving people who wouldn't have been able to afford it otherwise.

This is a promotional site of theirs. The thing that initially won me over:

Entrants will make a youtube video describing why they are the most deserving. When the money is raised, the decision will be made by vote.

I have the highest belief that this will prove to be another example of EPIC things happening when a bunch of regular people who happen to be fans of the arts come together for a great cause.

Please pass it on.